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Media Representation

The Watches Display in Media Outlets

The watch today is presented as a sleek fashion statement; a new advance in technology, and a glossy accessary to our ongoing, busy lifestyles. Even though the watch measures time, it is presented as a timeless object. It is complex, yet something that has been designed to be very simplistic. The watch started as a pocket watch, and not long after advanced into the apple watch; the watch that literally has it all. We see watches being worn now not for a function of time, but as a representation of status. We thought that the watch couldn't become any more complex once the digital feature became available, but Apple has out done itself once again by putting on the market yet another computerized device that functions as more than it was originally designed to. On the other hand, watches also are paraded as sporty. Athletes like professional runners are advertising the effectiveness of a stopwatch, highlighting the versatility of the object itself. Whether the watch is being sported as the next cell phone, or even the perfect addition to your outfit, we can see the watches multi-functionality throughout the media.



The following Apple Watch commericals show how the media portrays the watch as being multi-functional: a fashion accessory, a mode of communication, a fitness tracker, or a personal DJ.

"So excited for the Apple Watch. For centuries, we've checked the time by looking at our phones. Having it on your wrist? Genius."

-Ellen DeGeneres

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